Monday, 31 August 2015

SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 Preview limitations in Edge browser

SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 Preview has limitations when accessed from Edge the latest and fastest browser from Microsoft that comes with Windows 10. Below are some of the functionality that will not work in SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 preview when using Edge browser

Drag and Drop for file upload
Files can’t be uploaded to libraries using Drag and Drop. When you try to do so, a not supported icon would be displayed

Features that require ActiveX components
Some features in SharePoint require ActiveX components and will not work in Edge browser. These features include Open with Explorer, Open with Access, Open with Project. These options would be disabled on the list\library ribbon

Customize in InfoPath
Clicking Customize in InfoPath from the ribbon would say that you’ll need Internet explorer to use the feature.

Export to Excel will show a warning
Clicking Export to Excel from the ribbon will show a warning stating that you will require compatible application, however the functionality will work.

Lync Contact Card
If the user has Lync\skype for business client installed on their machine and they hover over user name in SharePoint, the Lync Contact Card pops up showing information such as email, phone etc. This functionality depends on Active X and doesn’t work with Edge browser.

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